10 Tips For Amusement Rides ImportersImporting amusement rides can be a challenge, however, with the following tips, you can finish the process by yourself successfully.

Quite a number of importers find it difficult to import from China, it may be just because of the language barrier.

However, this is NOT the point.

For amusement rides importers, they have a lot benefits to get from the hub of amusement rides factories – China.

shipping amusement rides from China

There are hundreds of factories selling the amusement rides at a lower pricing.

This provides a high benefit to amusement rides importers.

A research published by organizations revealed that companies importing from China have a competitive advantage over others.

However, you must NOT compromise on quality, just because you need a cheaper amusement park rides.

In this article, we will explore 10 basic factors that are vital for any amusement rides importer.

If you are planning importing from China, here are the top 10 tips that you should read.

Here we go.

1.What are your goals?

amusement rides importing goals

This is the main issue you need to consider.

First, you need to be amusement rides supplier or amusement park owner.

It is important that you understand your business strategy.

Whether you will be providing the amusement rides to end users or to other sellers.

This is a crucial part of this business.

This will act as a blueprint for the success of your amusement rides business.

2. Choose the amusement rides factory

Choose the amusement rides factory

Sinorides Clients Visit Factory

You could get benefits when you import directly from the amusement rides factory.

That is, you will get these amusement park rides at a lower price.

The amusement rides manufacturing company should be reliable and genuine.

It should be a company that runs with all the domestic rules and regulations.

What is more, it is better that you could understand the Chinese business culture.

It would help you set a good relationship with the supplier or the manufacturing company.

You could build mutual confidence on condition that you can understand Mandarin language.

3.Make the right deal with amusement rides manufacturer

Make the right deal with amusement rides manufacturer

Sinorides Client Signed Contract for Amusement Rides

You must be clear know the strength and weaknesses of your supplier.

A good relationship with your supplier is important as it will make your purchasing process easy.

The success of your purchasing amusement rides is decided by the right connections you make with the company.

4.You should have a detailed contract

You should have a detailed contract

It should be a clear contract that explain the payments and delivery issues.

It should be based on the international commercial terms.

This could clear up any misunderstandings.

It should highlight all the key elements of the contract.

5.Decide the transportation

Decide the transportation

You need to clear understand how your amusement rides will be sent to your place.

Generally, there are two choices here, you can outsource the work or handle all the logistics by yourself.

Again, most people prefer shipping by sea as it is cheaper.

If you are importing amusement rides parts such as solenoid valve, shipping by air will be a better choice as it saves both money and time with low weight items.

Delivered by air or sea is depend on the types of amusement rides you have imported from China and whether you need them urgently or not.

6.You must declare your imports

declare your imports of amusement rides

This is a common tradition worldwide, as amusement rides imports are not exempted.

The declaration process will depend on your country.

Generally, the amusement rides imports must be declared to the related customs for the European Union (EU).

7.Taxes and duty imports

customs duty imports

You should calculate exactly the amount of duty fees you will be charged.

It could vary from one country to another.

Again, the selling prices in your country will depend on the cost you have spent in the entire importing process.

8.Get all the legal documents ready for the amusement rides import business

This is important when you are ready to collect your amusement rides in your local customs.

It might include Packing list, Sales contract, Bill of lading, etc.

Different country has different ways to control importing process.

Therefore, try to find out if you may require an import license.

Just ensure you have all the legal documents to implement the importation process.

9.Commodity codes


Different country has different Commodity codes system.

There are many countries where a commodity code is required.

A good example is in the United Kingdom.

For example, in the EU market, a ten-digit number is required for all amusement rides imports from China.

10.Learn the trade tariffs within your region

trade tariffs

This will help you to better understand the money you will pay to facilitate the entire process.

That is, if you need to pay VAT, acquire a license or other payments.


In summary, you are importing amusement rides in China to suit your amusement park and maximize your profits.

Therefore, you need to fulfill your obligations as a amusement rides importer.

You must obey all rules and regulations that manage the entire process.

Again, you need to calculate all the amount of money you will spend.

You must ensure that you will get profit through the imported amusement rides.

Otherwise, there will be no need of importing amusement rides from China.

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